The Thom Anne Sullivan Center is pleased to welcome the following new employees to their team.
Sara is a developmental specialist and music therapist on Suzanne’s team. Sara has worked at Step One Early Intervention, Little Sprouts Early Education, and Clark School for the Deaf, bringing a tremendous amount of experience to our program. She explains her special interests this way, “I am passionate about early childhood development and take pride in being a part of helping children move towards their milestones. Children tend to be especially receptive to music, so I enjoy sharing it with them.” On a side note, almost everyone in Sara’s family plays a musical instrument!
Laura joins Reena’s team as a speech therapist and has clinical experience in public school settings, an inpatient hospital, and pre-school settings. She loves working with the zero to three population because they are so much fun and she encounters something new every day.
We also welcome Michaela to our Thom Anne Sullivan Center family. She is a speech therapist on Reena’s team and was previously an Irish dance instructor, a day care teacher, and a nanny. When asked what her special interest in early intervention is she says, “I love working with all toddlers and seeing them learn to communicate!”
Kara is a developmental specialist on Mary Jean’s team. Her degree is in special education and applied behavioral analysis (ABA). She has ten years experience in early intervention, has worked as a preschool teacher, and has provided services to children on the autism spectrum. Her special interests are behavioral challenges and infant development. Kara is a member of the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Task force, and is licensed in the state of Massachusetts to practice ABA. We are very happy to welcome Kara to our program.