Springfield, MA | Thom Springfield Infant Toddler Services
Thom Springfield Infant Toddler Services is committed to providing high quality, comprehensive, and family-centered early intervention services to infants, toddlers, their families, and others in the community who care for them. Our nurses, social workers, occupational and physical therapists, speech-language pathologists, mental health counselors, educators, and other specialists are passionate about supporting families and young children. If you have a concern regarding your child’s development, please contact us.
1506A Allen Street
Bicentennial Plaza
Springfield, MA 01118
Communities We Serve:
- Springfield
- Longmeadow
- Hampden
- East Longmeadow
- Wilbraham
Check to see if we serve your area:

"I went from feeling powerless by the circumstances under which my child was born, to feeling powerful by the knowledge of how to specifically help my son.”
Services We Provide
▸ Early Intervention
Early Intervention (EI) in Massachusetts is a statewide, family-centered, developmental service. Thom Child & Family Services offers the earliest possible intervention and support for children birth to three years old and their families. Children can be eligible based upon developmental delays, identified disabilities, or certain birth or environmental circumstances that can put development at risk. Early Intervention services are provided in a child’s natural environment. Regular visits with Early Intervention providers can occur at home, at childcare, and in other community settings.
▸ Regional Consultation
Regional Consultation Programs (RCPs) provide consultation, family support, and community-wide workshops and training in Massachusetts. Eligible children must be enrolled in a certified Early Intervention Program and meet one or more of the following criteria: the child has extensive medical and/or healthcare needs, complex care needs, or multiple disabilities.
Our Locations
Early Intervention Programs
▸ Baby & Me Group
Meets at our Allen St. site, on Mondays from 12:00 – 1:30 PM. The group is for parents and their babies who are younger than 18 months old. It provides time for parents and babies to share and learn from each other and from Early Intervention staff members. The group supports parents in their role as their child’s first and most important teacher and is open to both families of babies who are enrolled in Early Intervention and community families.
▸ Parent/Child Playgroup
For toddlers and their parents to share a morning of play and interaction with other families. This group has a routine of free play time, circle time, snack and activities. Parents experience new activities with their child and have informal opportunities to connect with other parents. Toddlers experience new activities, begin to enjoy play with their peers and learn the routines of group. This group meets at Colonial Estates Community Room every Tuesday from 9:30-11:00 AM, and at our Allen St. site on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-11:30 AM.
▸ Toddler Times
While each Toddler Times group is somewhat different, based on the ages and needs/interests of the children attending, there are some common threads. All Toddler Times groups offer a language rich, nurturing and safe environment where children have the opportunity to explore and play with their peers. Early Intervention staff maintain a consistent routine of activities including free play, motor play, snack, circle time, pretend and manipulative play. The high staff to child ratio, with at least one adult to every three children, allows staff to assist toddlers to play and learn in all areas of development.
Toddler Times groups are held at our Allen Street, Bicentennial Plaza program site in Springfield on the following days and times:
- Mondays – 12:30-2:30
- Tuesdays – 9:30–11:30 , 12:30-2:30, 1:00-3:00
- Wednesdays – 9:30–11:30
- Thursdays – 9:00–11:00 & 11:30–1:30
- Fridays – 9:30–11:30
▸ Feeding Group
Our specialized Feeding Group helps parents/caregivers and their young children, ages 18-34 months, who are having challenges with eating. A registered dietitian leads the group with assistance from an occupational therapist and a speech language pathologist. Participants will receive a high level of individualized attention to accommodate each child's unique feeding needs. This group meets for 12 weeks on Fridays from 12:00-2:00 PM.
All groups are open to families from Early Intervention as well as community families. Transportation to and from the group is only available to families with children who are enrolled in the Early Intervention program.
Regional Consultation
Thom Western Regional Consultation Program (WRCP) is committed to providing consultation, family support, and community-wide workshops and training in the western region of Massachusetts. Eligible children must be enrolled in a certified Early Intervention Program and meet one or more of the following criteria: the child has extensive medical and/or healthcare needs, complex care needs, or multiple disabilities.
Thom’s Western RCP provides support for family members that help them to care for their child with complex needs. The RCP also provides support for Early Intervention and Child Care providers to raise community awareness and capacity to care for children with multiple disabilities at home and in other early education and care environments.
RCP services are funded through the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care, Medicaid, Health Insurance and Health Maintenance Organizations, and through grants and charitable contributions.
Thom’s Western RCP services include:
- Child Specific Consultations which provide technical assistance to families or caregivers regarding a child’s individual special needs including help with: positioning, feeding, oral motor skill development, augmentative communication strategies, sensory motor needs, other needs, including preschool inclusion.
- Community Workshops and Training to build capacity and encourage inclusion of young children with special needs in the typical daily activities of their communities.
- Family Support Services which provide information, resources and referrals to: Parent Support and Education Groups, CPR and First Aid Training, Parent-to-Parent and Family-to-Family Activities, Respite Care, Child Care Voucher Referrals.
- Equipment Loan Program for participating families and child care providers.
1506A Allen Street, Bicentennial Plaza
Springfield, MA 01118
Michele Parrow, Coordinator
Phone: (413) 783-5500 x116
Cell: (413) 645-2476
Fax: (413) 782-7612
Hours: 8:30 - 4:30
- Developmental Specialists
- Nurses
- Nutritionists and Feeding Specialists
- Occupational Therapists
- Physical Therapists
- Social Workers
- Special Educators
- Speech and Language Pathologists
Other Program Services
On-site Screenings, Consultation and Trainings for parents and providers can be provided at the following affiliated community sites:
- Early Childhood Centers, Springfield
- NES (Northern Educational Services) and Teen Home
- Square One Childcare
- Early Headstart Program
- Vietnamese American Civic Association (VACA)
- WIC Programs
- Mason Square Health Center
- Prime Time Nursery School, East Longmeadow
- Kid's Place, Wilbraham
- Collaboration and Linkages with:
- Springfield Early Care & Education Partnership
- East Longmeadow, Wilbraham and Hampden Community Partnership
- Special Healthcare Needs
- Sign Language
- Inclusion
- Public Benefits
- Music Therapy
- Sensory Integration
- Lending Library
Latest News From Our Office
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Meet Our Staff
Thom Springfield Infant Toddler Services
Thom Springfield Infant Toddler Services is in the business of helping children and their families achieve their goals. We recognize that our success depends on the skills and experience of the people who work for us. Thom Springfield Infant Toddler employs more than 75 full and part-time staff members: nurses, teachers, counselors, social workers, and therapists. Many therapists provide specialized services, such as infant massage instruction, nutrition and feeding interventions, and we have employees who are fluent in Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Somali and Sign Language.
Meet some of our dedicated staff:
Lynn is a Team Leader and has been with Thom Springfield Infant Toddler Services over 20 years. She is a dedicated Speech and Language Pathologist who has a wide range of experience working with children who have feeding challenges, processing difficulties, autism spectrum disorder, articulation/phonological processes and other communication differences. Lynn has a strong background in teaching young children and their families how to use alternative methods of communication and enjoys working with caretakers and childcare providers to help children be able to communicate their thoughts/ideas. She also enjoys working collaboratively with her talented co-workers from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds.
Lynn helps her team of therapists learn more about communication and child development through reflective supervision and hands-on teaching. She has assisted numerous undergraduate and graduate students from local colleges gain the experience and knowledge needed to receive their full credentials. Lynn has been a guest lecturer at Springfield College. She has taught workshops on communication for local childcare providers, and has hosted Baystate Medical Center pediatricians who join her on home visits as part of their residency.
Allyson is an Occupational Therapist and Team Leader at Thom Springfield Infant Toddler Services. She joined the organization in 2018 after working for an Autism-specific Early Intervention program in Connecticut for 7 years, first as an ABA Therapist and then as an Occupational Therapist. Allyson has extensive experience creating programs around feeding, toileting, and preschool readiness skills. She has a long history of working closely with Speech Language Pathologists and BCBAs to address communication needs through total communication approaches, including sign language and PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System). Allyson has completed training on evidence-based practices in early intervention, coaching and mentoring families, and learning in the natural environment to strengthen parenting competence and confidence to promote child learning and development. She is trained in the Beckman Oral Motor Protocol and has completed trainings in developing interventions to address toe walking, sensory integration and feeding difficulty. In May of 2022, Allyson became certified as an Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist. She has extensive experience working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and with intensive challenging behaviors such as aggression, property destruction, and self-injurious behaviors. Her expertise and passion in this area allows her to work closely with interdisciplinary teams to develop supportive, child-centered interventions to best support families and their children.
Tanya is a Developmental Specialist and Team Leader at Thom Springfield Infant Toddler Services. She has always been passionate about working with children and pursued her undergraduate and graduate degrees in Psychology. She has previous experience working in center-based childcare settings for a variety of age ranges, shifting into Early Intervention in 2018. Since arriving at Thom, Tanya has enjoyed working with children and families needing developmental support or guidance. She has become an Intake Specialist, managed multiple evaluation teams, and is now a Team Leader. She is passionate about helping families work on social communication skills, emotional regulation, and obtaining access to providers that can evaluate for Autism or help connect families with treatment options once a diagnosis is obtained. Tanya also has a very strong desire to help parents access care for themselves so they can better care for their children and families.
Michele is a dedicated Developmental Specialist with over 30 years of experience in early intervention. Prior to joining Thom Springfield Infant Toddler Services, she worked as an EI Specialist and a teacher for toddlers and preschoolers. Michele is passionate about supporting and advocating for children and families within a multidisciplinary team, having served as a CEIS Coordinator, playgroup leader, and now serving as the WRCP Program Coordinator.
Katherine is the Clinical Coordinator at Thom Springfield Infant Toddler Services. With degrees in human development, child life, and family-centered care from Wheelock College, Katherine has been a dedicated professional in the field of early intervention since 2013.
Prior to joining Thom, she was a Developmental Specialist and then a Program Director at a Boston-area early intervention program. Katherine is passionate about connecting families to essential resources and supporting clinicians in providing exceptional care.